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The Ethical Code of SID-Israel

The purpose of the ethical code

An ethical code is a collection of values and rules that defines a commitment to appropriate behavior. This code aims to outline the guiding principles for the behavior required from members of the SID-Israel community in planning and executing their activities.

Essentially, the ethical code serves as a foundation of values that establishes moral standards for conduct and behavior, enabling informed decision-making and providing a basis for making choices. The ethical code does not claim to address every possible dilemma that might arise and does not replace individual judgment and choice; rather, it serves as a common foundation that facilitates dealing with ethical dilemmas and choosing appropriate actions. The ethical code is not intended to replace existing internal ethical codes nor the Israeli law, local law, or international law.

At SID-Israel, we believe that through transparency, accountability, and efficiency, it is possible to create a professional and thriving community in the fields of international development and humanitarian aid that collaborates with communities in the developing world and in disaster-affected areas based on respect and reciprocity. The drafting of the ethical code was done in collaboration with members of the SID-Israel community, including the utilization of outcomes from a special workshop held on the topic in 2022, and in consultation with many community members.

The Ethical Code of SID-Israel

1. Dignity

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world."[2]

The members of the SID-Israel community uphold human rights.

  • We are committed to upholding human rights, recognizing that all human beings are born free and equal.

  • We acknowledge the value and diversity of every individual and are committed to treating others with due regard for their rights, dignity, and integrity.

  • We are committed to acting without prejudice and unjust discrimination to promote fair and equitable access to resources and opportunities.

  • We are committed to acting while preserving the privacy of the populations in the areas of assistance and development, without exception, while maintaining confidentiality and protecting individual privacy with respect for personal space.

  • We respect the needs of vulnerable, marginalized, and disadvantaged populations, and encourage diversity and inclusion.

2. Participation and local ownership

Members of the SID-Israel community will promote sustainable development with the understanding that ownership of the processes and decisions belongs to the local communities and that there must be full cooperation with individuals, organizations, and local systems.

  • We are committed to working in collaboration with the local community in a respectful, fair, and equitable manner, without bias and without discrimination based on religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or geographic area.

  • The setting of goals, planning, and conducting evaluations of activities will be done transparently and in collaboration with the target audience as much as possible.

  • We will do our utmost to work with local partners and to tailor our activities to the values, customs, and culture of the local community.

3. Do no harm

Members of the SID-Israel community will act in ways that do not cause additional harm to the community or stakeholders, while avoiding exposing individuals to further risks through the actions of the organization/company.

  • We are committed to preserving the dignity, privacy, and individual rights in all interactions with vulnerable populations, and will act to prevent any behavior that may cause harm or abuse of power and authority.

  • We are committed to not misusing our role or position to engage in sexual relations.

  • We are committed to refraining from bribery, offering bribes, and/or receiving any kind of benefits, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the law.

  • We are committed to promoting activities that can reduce potential negative impacts on the social fabric, the economy, and the environment.

4. Sustainable development

The members of the SID-Israel community will act according to the guidelines for sustainable development that appear in the United Nations' "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" (Sustainable Development Goals—SDGs ).

  • We are committed to engaging in activities that are not harmful while actively support society and the environment, aiming to enable sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

  • We are dedicated to minimizing the environmental impact of our actions and to choosing practices and solutions that reduce pollution, waste, and negative effects on the ecosystems in our areas of operation.

5. Integrity

The members of the SID-Israel community will act in good faith and with sincere intention to fulfill its stated goals, while exercising their discretion based on declared standards without bias.

  • We are obliged to act in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory codes of conduct in our fields of activity, including development and humanitarian aid. Examples of mandatory codes of conduct in different fields of activity are the code of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent and the core values of Sphere [3]

  • We are committed to acting with integrity and honesty, guided by values and principles. In case of doubt or concern that a certain activity is prohibited by law or by mandatory codes of conduct, we will refrain from the activity until the matter is clarified with the appropriate party.

  • We are committed to collecting information and using it honestly and reliably and without fraud.

6. Management of employees and volunteers

Members of the SID-Israel community will manage their employees and volunteers fairly and efficiently.

  • We protect, appreciate, and support our staff and volunteers, employing and managing them in a legal, efficient, and fair manner.

  • We are committed to providing a safe physical and emotional environment for our staff and volunteers. We adopt a "zero tolerance" approach to harassment, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority, child exploitation, and modern slavery. This includes emotional abuse and harassment toward the organization's staff, clients, and the communities in which it operates.

  • We are committed to employing and engaging staff and volunteers with appropriate qualifications, without discrimination based on religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or nationality.

  • We are committed to providing psychological and physical support to staff and volunteers in disaster areas, as needed.

7. Accountability

Members of the SID-Israel community will manage self-governing and independent mechanisms and will conduct themselves properly according to the law, providing accountability for their actions transparently and responsibly.

  • We are committed to complying with the requirements of the law, including Israeli, local, and international law.

  • We are dedicated to operating within a framework of self-organization, independent governance, and proper administration, with accountability.

  • We will maintain discreet and secure internal reporting channels for community members, employees, and volunteers, allowing them to report any inappropriate conduct, ethical violations, or concerns about conflicts of interest.

  • We will avoid any activities that present a conflict of interest or raise suspicions of conflicts of interest, and we will conduct our actions in accordance with legal requirements or ethical behavior, in compliance with the strictest standards among them.

For nonprofit organizations: Donations and resource management

Civil society organizations that are members of the SID-Israel community will operate independently and responsibly in resource procurement, management, and reporting.

  • We are committed to properly managing funds and resources entrusted to us.

  • We are committed to using donation funds effectively and according to the purpose for which they were donated.

  • We are obliged to act with due disclosure in the reporting processes and to provide donors with an explanation of the use of funds.

  • We are committed to not accept any donation or financial support from companies or individuals whose main occupation is in conflict with our values pertaining to development and humanitarian aid. Therefore, in the process of requesting or accepting a donation, we will do our utmost to avoid organizations that operate in violation of the law in the areas of the environment, terrorism, human trafficking, child exploitation, and drug or weapons trafficking.

[1] Brundtland Report, 1987, Report to the United Nations, Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, 1992, United Nations General Assembly, 1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
[2] From the United Nations General Assembly Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948
[3] Sphere Core Values, Sphere Charter, Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief

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